

Editor and Author: Mifta Huljanah  Illustrator Content and Book Cover: Rossi Amanda.R.N  Logo Company and Picture in Book: Nadia Amalia.S  Audio Book Maker: Nisrina Putri.D.H This book was created as the lmplementation of PBLL Collaborative Ptoject Based Approaches under the supervision of lecturer in Publishing, Photography and Broadcasting. Thank to Mr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd for his research finding about Publipreneur Based Language Learning (PBLL) that scout non-native speakers of English use the basic skill of reading, writing, listening, speaking within the competencies of prewriting-drafting-revisinv-editing-publishing-marketing-delivering. Last but not least, in this occasion let's thank for those who appreciated the ĺanguage used verbally, visually and virtually  within the possibly produce printed, audio, interactive and augmented book widely needed worldwide. PBLL FOR ODOUR BUSINESS AUDIO BOOK

introduce my self

 Hello everyone! good morning First of all, introduce my self. My name is Nadia Amalia Salsabila. I really like reading articles or topics that are hot on social media. I live in Depok and I graduated from vocational high school 24 Tour and Travel. I am currently studying at the state polytechnic creative media. This is the first time I have created a blog and I hope that you can take advantage of the information or ideas that I provide☺️ I think that's enough, thank you for your attention and still enjoy❤️